Kevin MacNeil is a novelist, screenwriter, poet, lyricist and editor from the Outer Hebrides, now resident in London. He has won a number of literary awards and taught at the universities of Uppsala, Edinburgh and Kingston among others. His latest novel is The Brilliant & Forever. More at:
E-fhèin air leabaidh mhòr ri a taobh, agus iad a’ còmhradh a-null ‘s a-nall. Taobh a-muigh na h-uinneig, bha an t-uisge a’ tuiteam. Feumaidh gun robh blàth na crinum a’ breòthadh fon uisg’ a bha seo.
Mar as àbhaist, bha a h-aodann a’ dearrsadh le solas na gealaich. Ach, leis an fhirinn innse, cha mhòr nach robh e car dòrainneach uaireannan a bhith a’ dèanamh còmhradh còmhla rithe.
Na laighe air a stamag, a’ cur maids ri toit gu sàmhach, thàinig e a-steach air gun robh e-fhèin ‘s i-fhèin air a bhith còmhla fad seachd bliadhna mar tha.
‘A bheil gaol agam fhathast air a’ bhoireannach seo?’
Fiù ‘s dha fhèin, agus e an-còmhnaidh cho fèin-mhothachail, chuir am freagairt iongnadh mòr air.
‘Tha. Tha gaol agam oirre fhathast.’
tha solas na gealaich
a’ cur gairisinn orm
tha blàth a’ chraoibh-shiris
a’ cur gairisinn orm
Bha a h-aodann a’ dearrsadh mar sholus grian na maidne air eigh thana. Bha e measail oirre. Ach chan e gaol a bh’ ann. Cha do chuir e fiù corrag riamh air a corp.
‘Tha thu feuchainn ri bàsachadh, nach eil?’
‘Tha. Chan eil. Chan eil mi feuchainn ri bàsachadh. Ach tha mi seachd sgìth dhe bhith beò.’
As a’ chòmhradh a bha seo, thàinig aontachadh: bha iad dol a bhàsachadh còmhla ri cheile.
”S e fèin-mhurtadh Platonaigeach a bhios ann.’
‘Fèin-mhurtadh Platonaigeach dùbailte.’
Fiù ‘s dhà fhèin, bha a chiùineas mìorbhaileach.
tha solas na gealaich
a’ cur gairisinn orm
tha blàth a’ chraoibh-shiris
a’ cur gairisinn orm
(Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kevin MacNeil)
On a large bed, beside her, making conversation about this and that. Outside the bedroom window, the rain was falling. The crinum blossom must be withering and rotting under such rain.
As ever, her face shone with moonlight. But, to tell the truth, it was almost a little boring sometimes, chatting with her.
Lying on his stomach, quietly lighting a cigarette, it occurred to him they had been together for seven years already.
‘Do I still love this woman?’
Self-aware though he always was, the answer startled him.
‘Yes. I love her still.’
the light of the moon
sends a shiver through me
the blossom on the cherry tree
sends a shiver through me
Her face shone like the morning sun on thin ice. He was fond of her. But it wasn’t love. He never as much as laid a finger on her body.
‘You’re trying to die, aren’t you?’
‘Yes. No. I’m not trying to die. But I’m tired of being alive.’
Out of this conversation came an agreement; they were going to die together.
‘It will be Platonic suicide.’
‘Double Platonic suicide.’
Even to himself, his calmness was marvellous.
the light of the moon
sends a shiver through me
the blossom on the cherry tree
sends a shiver through me