For those who have never visited, The Scores is the name of a street in the town of St Andrews, one that winds precariously along the cliff edge above the chilly North Sea. Overlooking this street, the English Department at the University of St Andrews finds its home. And it is here that our bi-annual online magazine, The Scores, comes to life.
The Scores is not a journal of student work but rather a journal edited, curated, and managed by the postgraduate students in the School of English at St Andrews working with a team of experienced editors and an advisory board of esteemed professors and instructors both within and beyond the programme. Though based in a small town, we have a distinctly international outlook and seek to showcase the most exciting and diverse selection of poetry and prose in English and the languages of Scotland alongside writing in translation and reviews of recent work in our bi-annual issues. We seek work that thrills, work that moves, work that plays along the cliff-edge. (For more information on our submission policies, please visit the submissions page.)
Each issue is introduced by a ‘Letter to a Young Poet’, borrowing from Rilke, written by a well-established voice in the world of contemporary writing and offering inside advice and insights to new generations of writers. In addition, we offer recordings of interviews on our podcast series with some of the many writers who visit the university to teach or recite their work. As a university-based journal, we feel it is part of our mission to offer more than just writing worthy of admiration and emulation, but resources and insights to help writers at all stages in their careers, in the hope that we might make the sometimes lonely work of writing somewhat less so. We hope that, whether writer, reader, or anything in between, you find something worth exploring in our issues and work. Perhaps you will even find some company among these pages.
Editors-in-Chief Patrick Errington & Rosa Campbell
Poetry Editor Emma Bussi & Shannon Fox
Poetry Readers Maeghan Klinker
Marilena Papalamprou
Honor Duncan
Rebecca Stoll
Prose Editor Claire James Carroll
Prose Readers Sadie Byrne
Clara Knight
Jessica McFarland
Scots Language Editor Colin Bramwell
Reviews Editor Ben Vince
Web-design Dave House
Contact the editors: scorespoetry[at]
(For submissions, please visit our submissions page. Work sent to this email will not be read.)
Dr Oli Hazzard, University of St Andrews
Dr Heather Yeung, University of Dundee
Dr Peter Mackay, University of St Andrews
Prof Don Paterson, University of St Andrews
For more information about the Creative Writing MFA and MLitt Programmes at the University of St Andrews, please click here.